Cask and Keg Moisture Resistant Barrel Rope with Heavy Duty Hook - 10m x 24mm

Cask and Keg Moisture Resistant Barrel Rope with Heavy Duty Hook - 10m x 24mmCask and Keg Moisture Resistant Barrel Rope with Heavy Duty Hook - 10m x 24mm

Cask and Keg Moisture Resistant Barrel Rope with Heavy Duty Hook - 10m x 24mm

10 Metres Cask and Keg Moisture Resistant 24mm Thickness Barrel Rope with Heavy Duty Open Barrel Hook

£69.00 (£82.80 Inc VAT)

Heavy Duty Open Hook + 24mm Rope
• Profile cut from steel plate
• This hook has a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 400kg
• This hook comes with a 10m x 24mm rope

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Heavy Duty Open Hook + 24mm Rope
• Profile cut from steel plate
• This hook has a Safe Working Load (SWL) of 400kg
• This hook comes with a 10m x 24mm rope

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