Compact 2 Cask Autotilt Stillage Rack

Compact 2 Cask Autotilt Stillage RackCompact 2 Cask Autotilt Stillage Rack

Compact 2 Cask Autotilt Stillage Rack

Compact 2 Cask Leaf Spring 2 Tier Autotilt Stillage Rack


Compact 2 Autotilt Cask Stillage Rack

This leaf spring autotilt stillage configures the barrels in 2 Single Tiers to offer the perfect storage and serving solution whatever the size of your cellar. Contructed from high grade steel and with a lifetime guarantee, they make a cost effective space saving solution for your real ale firkins

• Cask Stillage will hold 2 Casks or Firkins
• High tech composite leaf spring built into the racking system for maximum economy
• No need for separate auto-tilts.
• Ullage can be as low as half pint.

Please call for prices

Depth: 560mm (22")
Width: 610mm (24")

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Compact 2 Autotilt Cask Stillage Rack

This leaf spring autotilt stillage configures the barrels in 2 Single Tiers to offer the perfect storage and serving solution whatever the size of your cellar. Contructed from high grade steel and with a lifetime guarantee, they make a cost effective space saving solution for your real ale firkins

• Cask Stillage will hold 2 Casks or Firkins
• High tech composite leaf spring built into the racking system for maximum economy
• No need for separate auto-tilts.
• Ullage can be as low as half pint.

Please call for prices

Depth: 560mm (22")
Width: 610mm (24")
