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Keg and Cask Dray Pads
ABC Direct > Beer & Cellar Equipment > Keg and Cask Drop Mats and Dray Pads > Keg and Cask Dray Pads
Cellar and Dray Drop Mats for Casks and Kegs
Slightly smaller than our standard cellar drop mat, these dray pads are ideal for shorter cellar drops and dray deliveries.
Our unique triple layered design is superior to other products out there that only use one lump of quickly deteriorating foam. We also add a durable vulcanised rubber pad to each surface to absorb impact and increase the longevity of the pad, avoiding expensive reorders.
Our water resistant exterior is a coated fabric secured through steel eyelets with 14mm brewery rope, ideal to avoid deterioration in damp cellar environments.
We believe there is no better quality dray pad available in the UK